Amazon EC2 Provisioning: Building for Consistency and Resiliency

A couple years ago I started working on self-hosted backup infrastructure in AWS after I dropped my CrashPlan subscription. As many dedicated developers do with their pet projects, I completely overengineered the solution. I’ve had some time to refine my EC2 provisioning strategy, both at home and in the workplace, and it’s in a spot now where I am happy with it. This post will walk through the EC2 provisioning process and describe the strategy and its benefits.

How EC2 Instances Are Configured

EC2 instances begin from an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). AMIs reference an EBS snapshot, which is a block-level copy of the root disk (and possibly other disks). AMIs provide pre-packaged functionality for instances. The functionality may be as bare as a basic operating system install or may deploy services like Kubernetes or Mongo.

When EC2 instances launch in AWS there are several configuration tasks that are performed by a tool called cloud-init. cloud-init is baked into many of the public AMIs you find on AWS. Among the tasks cloud-init is responsible for are expanding the root partition to fill available space and deploying the SSH public key so that the user can log into the instance.

cloud-init provides a couple of options for provisioning EC2 instances. The first is by specifying user data for the instance. The second is by adding scripts to one of the directories in /var/lib/cloud/scripts (which isn’t clearly spelled out in the documentation).

For simple cases, cloud-init is likely sufficient. However, as your team and infrastructure grow you may find it difficult to test efficiently and maximize configuration reuse. The canonical cloud-init strategy of configuring via user data means that changes to an auto scaling group can cause massive changes to how your instances handle provisioning themselves, which (in my opinion) are clearly separate concerns.

Building an AMI

In order to meet the goal of providing a consistently behaving deployment, we need to build our own AMI. Building an AMI ensures that the service we deploy always starts from a known-good state. The image includes everything from the kernel up to the application. Building an AMI also has the side benefit of insulating us from third-party service outages, e.g. Docker Hub or Artifactory.

HashiCorp’s Packer can help us build an AMI. Packer is a simple, effective tool for creating a variety of different types of system images. In its simplest configuration, Packer requires a builder and provisioner to describe how images get created.

Packer provides AMI building functionality out of the box. The simplest way to get started is to use the EBS backend. A source AMI, AWS region, admin username, and destination AMI name are all that are required to build your own AMI. A basic example follows:

    "builders": [{
    "type": "amazon-ebs",
    "region": "us-east-1",
    "source_ami_filter": {
      "filters": {
        "name": "debian-stretch-hvm-x86_64-gp2*"
      "owners": ["679593333241"],
      "most_recent": true
    "instance_type": "t3.micro",
    "ssh_username": "admin",
    "ami_name": "yourami {{isotime \"2006-01-02 1504\"}}"
  "provisioners": [...]

This will get you an AMI based on the most recent Debian Stretch in the us-east-1 region.

With a builder established, you need a provisioner to do the instance configuration. There are myriad options here but in my view only one clear winner.

Enter Ansible

My provisioning strategy leans heavily on Ansible. Ansible is part of the configuration management class of tools, which includes the likes of Puppet, Chef, and Salt. What makes Ansible great, though, is its exceptional flexibility.

Ansible is designed from the ground up as an agentless tool that executes against remote nodes, which makes testing changes a breeze. If local testing is sufficient, fire up a virtual machine in Vagrant and point Ansible at it. If you need to test something cloud-specific, spin up a test instance and point Ansible at that. You don’t need to push a cookbook to a Chef server to see how your changes fare, and there is no special configuration required for local testing.

Many of the modules provided by Ansible are idempotent, so with minimal effort you can test a new role or a change and run it until you are confident it is bulletproof. Tag your tasks and run only those you want to test to go even faster.

Ansible also provides some nifty operations features: trivially look up the value of an AWS SSM parameter and perform a rolling upgrade of your application.

Ansible as a Packer Provisioner

Packer helpfully provides support for using Ansible as a provisioner, too. Specify it like so:

  "provisioners": [
      "type": "ansible",
      "playbook_file": "your-playbook.yml",
      "extra_arguments": []

If you have any extra arguments you’d like to pass to Ansible, specify them in extra_arguments.

With this configuration, Packer will seamlessly invoke Ansible to build your AMI. Pretty slick!

Creating Consistency

We’ve now got a basic AMI and a way to build it reproducibly via Ansible, but that only gets us halfway to consistent deployments. There is still plenty of room to do it wrong! Unfortunately, there is no one right answer for any organization; try and think about all of the variables that might change on the way from dev to prod. For example:

  • If AMIs are not promoted, a rebuild may cause an updated version of a package to change the behavior of your EC2 instance. A full hard disk is the classic systems “oopsie”, and it’s certainly possible to do that inadvertently with changes to your syslog configuration.
  • If Docker images are not promoted, a rebuild may cause packages inside your container to be updated. If you base your container on something stable, like Debian, that risk is reduced. Mistakes do happen, though; even security fixes can negatively impact your application.
  • Your production environment almost certainly is not an exact replica of your staging or development environments. Generally development and staging have less redundancy at the app node and database level. They also have tend to have more lax security than what you find in production. Lastly, they tend to not contain an exact copy of the data as it exists in production. Think about how lower environments differ between development, staging, and production and what you can do to mitigate the risk of breakage as an application is prepared for release.
  • Does the AMI you built depend on the availability of third-party services to function properly? Can you reduce or eliminate this dependence by modifying your build process and/or runtime provisioning process?

How to Leverage User Data

A common practice is to use user data to contain runtime provisioning code. The problem with doing this is that an AMI, even a very basic one, is going to require the end user to know a lot about how the AMI was constructed in order for user data provsioning to be successful.

Whoever deploys an autoscaling group and configures the user data for launched instances will have to know:

  • What distribution is the AMI based on? That will influence what package manager you use, what software and libraries are available (and their versions), the location of configuration files, etc.
  • What software is available on the AMI?
  • Are there any custom configuration file paths? Is there anything that must be configured?

You can mitigate the above issues by using a centralized configuration management tool, like Puppet, Chef, or Salt, but then of course you lose out on some of the consistency described before. Packages on mirrors can change. Code in common config management modules can sometimes have unintended side effects that break previously working production app deployments.

Instead, treat user data only as metadata and let the AMI provision itself using Ansible. If provisioning is baked into the AMI, an instance typically doesn’t need very much information at all to get up and running.

I recommend creating minimal standard set of metadata that all instances can rely on at runtime. This will include at least the environment, but you might find you need some other things too. Present your user data as JSON so that encoding and decoding are easy.

Additionally, include an extra key which is a dictionary that includes ad-hoc, optional keys. It will allow you to pass additional, instance-specific data or could act as a feature flag for common functionality you’re not ready to deploy to all of your instances yet.

I’ve used the extra key for both of these purposes. A really neat use for instance-specific data is passing an EBS volume ID that the instance can attach to itself when it boots. As a feature flag, I have used extra to enable/disable logging to a centralized service to minimize our bill during the proof-of-concept phase.

The Downsides and How to Mitigate Them

So far we’ve examined how to provision for consistency and what the benefits are. This strategy isn’t without drawbacks, however.

Lots of AMIs

Every new version of a service you release is going to have an associated AMI, and those AMIs aren’t going to clean themselves up. You’re going to have to lifecycle them yourself. There are a number of ways to skin this cat, but my preferred approach is to run two Lambda functions on CloudWatch schedules.

One function runs every 20 minutes and takes an inventory of AMIs used by currently running EC2 instances. For those AMIs, it updates a tag called LastUsed with a timestamp for the current time. For all AMIs, it updates a tag called LastUsedRuntime with a timestamp for the current time. This tag indicates when the scan process last ran.

The other function performs AMI cleanup, and it runs once per day. It scans all AMIs that have a tag AutoCleanup set to true. For each of the discovered AMIs, it looks at the LastUsed tag. If LastUsed is more than a week old and LastUsedRuntime is within the last hour, the AMI and its associated volume snapshots are deleted.

The AutoCleanup tag ensures AMIs not built using our normal process are never automatically deleted, e.g. if someone snapshots a running instance. The LastUsedRuntime tag protects you in case the inventory script stops running for some reason. Without it, your cleanup script may delete AMIs you are actually using.

Deploying Common Changes Requires AMI Rebuilds

Changing any common configuration for your EC2 instances would require you to rebuild every service AMI in order to fully deploy it. I’m of the opinion that this isn’t actually a bad thing since it gives you the opportunity to test common changes and roll them out slowly. It does add some administrative overhead, though, so how best to minimize it?

A well-oiled CI/CD system is the best strategy for deploying common changes with minimal overhead. You can let the changes roll out organically as your services are updated, or fire off all your builds to push changes quickly.

Because each service independently be rolled back to a previous AMI, you can deploy your common configuration changes with more confidence.

The Final Product

If you heed all the advice above, you’ll end up with something roughly like this:

  • An AMI build process that leverages Packer and Ansible for repeatability.
  • Common, reusable Ansible roles so that core functionality, like configuring user logins, centralized logging, and monitoring, is consistent across every instance.
  • An AMI that is built for each service you have running in EC2 and can be promoted from dev to higher-level environments.
  • EC2 instances that are almost entirely self contained and have very little dependence on third-party services when they launch.
  • EC2 instances whose behavior will not change between launches, except for the limited set of passed-in parameters that you configure (either via user data or something like Parameter Store).

This solution has served me well over the last couple of years in both a personal and professional capacity. What are your thoughts? Do you employ a similar strategy? How does it work for your organization? Feel free to reach out to me via e-mail or LinkedIn.